Welcome to SASM Youth Ministry
Hi, Everyone!
Here are the updates for the week of June 20, 2022:
Upcoming Youth Ministry Events:
Sunday, June 26th, Youth Group will be meeting at the St. Augustine's Parish Hall from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. We will be beginning our series on the Holy Spirit! We will be playing some great games, and dinner will be provided! Invite your friends! Please sign up here!
Thursday, July 14th, Holy Hour to pray for our Youth attending the Steubenville Youth Conference. The Holy Hour will be at St. Mary's Church, 7-8 pm.
Other Announcements:
Our high school pilgrimage to the Steubenville Youth Conference is less than one month away! I truly believe that our teens that are attending, all will have an opportunity to encounter the Holy Spirit in a unique and amazing way! As we prepare to embark on our pilgrimage, I ask for an increase in prayers for our teens and our chaperones. We will be holding a Holy Hour at St. Mary's Church, Thursday July 14th from 7-8pm, and all of our parishioners from both parishes, and family members of those attending the pilgrimage are invited to come out and pray for our teens and chaperones!
Middle School Summer Trip:
** One Spot left!** We will be teaming up with our sister parishes, St. Elizabeth's and Sacred Heart, Cicero during this awesome trip! The trip will be an all day trip on July 7th, we have 15 spots available. The cost of the trip is $48 dollars per person, and the trip is first come, first serve! We do have scholarships available if needed! Sign up here to reserve your spot! Cash or check can be dropped off or mailed to either of the parish offices to Carlos OR can be given to him at Youth Group.
Totus Tuus:
Totus Tuus is a summer Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, discipleship, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. Those who have gone to Totus Tuus in the past know how much fun it is! This year the campus that we will be attending is at St. Elizabeth's in Baldwinsville. Click here to register, and please note that our Parish Pin is 190. Totus Tuus will be Monday - Friday, beginning July 18th. From 7:00 - 9:00 pm for those entering 7th - 12th grade!
Small Things, Great Love - Service Retreat Announcement:
We will be teaming up with several churches from around our area for an amazing service retreat this August! The dates are August 14th - 18th, from 8am - 8pm. This service retreat will be available for those entering, and currently in high school! Click here to register.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me: cgonzalez@syrdio.org
Carlos Gonzalez
Director of Youth Ministry
Parishes of St. Augustine's & St. Mary's