due October 31, 2022

The Seven Sacraments
(completed as a family)
This month, we are focusing on Jesus in the Sacraments! Carlos, our Youth Minister, spoke to our youth in grades 6-10 at this month's Super Sunday and taught them about the seven sacraments: Baptism, Communion (Eucharist), Confirmation, Confession (Reconciliation), Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders.
For this month's Living the Lesson, spend two hours throughout the course of the month experiencing any of these sacraments or learning about them. For example, your family can come to Mass each week and experience the Eucharist during Holy Communion (children too young to receive can still be present and learn more about this by watching their parents receive). Families can come to Confession once or twice during the month, too! Would you like to get anointed? We can make arrangements with Father to anoint your family. This is the sacrament of healing and absolution of sin! Will your family be attending a wedding? Or can you, as a family, watch the video of yours or a family member's wedding? Have you ever seen a priest's ordination? The diocese has videos of some of our more recently ordained priests' ordinations! The possibilities are endless! Decide as a family what you'd like to do to learn more about, and experience, the sacraments. Please be sure it takes at least 2 hours to complete. When completed, send Mrs. Mackey pictures so she can see the incredible things you've done!
This will be discussed in greater detail during our parent meetings for grades 1-5 on 10/16 or 10/17 and Mrs. Mackey can answer any questions you may have then!
This is due no later than October 31. Sorry, we will not be able to accept submissions for credit after that date.