Living the Lesson Assignments for Grades 1 - 5
Please click below to download the Living the Lesson assignment:
October 2024: Creation (due October 31, 2024)
November 2024: Holy Trinity (due November 30, 2024)
December 2024: Advent (due December 31, 2024)
December Living the Lesson
Students are focusing on how Jesus heals, how he teaches love and mercy, and on how he teaches us to pray, including the Lord’s Prayer, the Great Commandment, the Beatitudes, and the Incarnation. Students will also learn about the season of Advent. You can submit your completed activities to Julie or Amanda by December 31st. Please include a photo of your family participating in the activity along with a brief description of your experience.
Students will learn that Jesus Christ is both true God and true man. The Second Person of the Trinity, he became human to restore us to friendship with God. We call this the Incarnation. Jesus came through Mary to reveal God’s love, and to enable us to share in God’s life. Through Jesus’ example and teaching we become more aware of how we, as baptized Christians, are to live and witness with our lives. Jesus heals, teaches us to pray, and teaches us to love. Jesus is our healer, teacher, shepherd, and friend. We need to spend time with friends in order to strengthen and deepen our relationships.
Jesus invites us into relationship with him, with our world, and with each other. We are also entering the season of Advent. What a perfect time to deepen our relationship with Jesus and prepare for his coming!
Catholics believe that the season of Advent helps us get ready to celebrate Jesus’ coming (CCC #524). Advent means “coming,” and we are getting our hearts ready for the coming of Jesus. It is a time of preparation for the birth of Jesus, who is the Light of the world. We look forward with joy and hope to our celebration of our Lord’s first coming into the world. It calls Christians to be joyful, patient, willing, prayerful, and intentional. It is an opportunity to reflect on our sins and ask for forgiveness so that we can be ready for the gift of the birth of Christ into our lives.
Through Jesus’ example and teaching we become more aware of how we, as baptized Christians, are to live and witness with our lives. As your children grow in understanding, you will be invited to deepen your own faith and strengthen the Catholic identity of your family. How do we spend time with Jesus to strengthen and deepen our relationship with him?
Here are some suggestions for December to strengthen and deepen our relationship with Jesus:
Advent word wall, Advent prayer partners, and Advent calendar
Participate in parish Giving Tree/donations
Family Advent Traditions
Please submit your completed activities by December 31st. Please include a photo of your family participating in the activity along with a brief description of your experience.
St. Augustine/St. Mary - Please send to Amanda -
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Please send to Julie -