An Overview of SASM Faith Formation
Hello, Friends!
I'm Cathy Mackey, Director of Faith Formation for the parishes of St. Augustine's and St. Mary's in Baldwinsville. On behalf of both parishes, please let me tell you how overjoyed we are to welcome your child as part of our Faith Formation program!
As you've heard at Mass and through parish and Faith Formation emails, Faith Formation for the 2021 - 2022 year is new, different, and exciting! St. Augustine's and St. Mary's Faith Formation programs are coming together for classes, and we will be meeting at both parishes.
To help you understand the changes, I have made informational videos for you; click here to view the video that corresponds to our child's grade level. Next to each video is a printed version of what is discussed in the videos. Please watch the videos completely, as many of your questions will be answered.
This website serves as the central hub for all information you'll need including registration, preparation for the Sacraments, classes, and events. Be sure to check our Upcoming Events page often for important upcoming dates and reminders. ​​
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at if you have any questions! I'm always happy to help!
I look forward to an exciting new year of faith, fun and family!
Cathy Mackey
Director of Faith Formation
Parishes of St. Augustine's & St. Mary's
7333 Obrien Road
Baldwinsville, NY 13027​​
We'll be hosting classes and events at both locations.